My Isarel Experience so far

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Though it's only been a day since we landed in Israel, it feels like we've been here a lot longer.  Chalk it up to jet lag, the long layover in Amsterdam or the training but it seems like it's been a long time.  Fast forward now though to two days later.  I've had a chance to observe the practices here at the Israeli Wrestling Training in Be'er Sheva.  It's always interesting to see how different clubs from around the world approach training, though the end goal is always the same: the development of champions.  Where it tends to differ is how we all get there.

Things that I've noticed so far at the training center in Be'er Sheva:

1. Shorter practices, but with 2 trainings a day with the same group

2. Emphasis on more group training rather than focus on individualized practices tailored to each athletes needs

3. Less specific technical emphasis.  Athletes are encouraged to experiment more

4. In-practice conditioning rather than individual time spent on conditioning.

So, what does this mean for our sport in Quebec? Well, each club has their tried and true method on how to prepare champions.  Though what I've seen differs drastically with what I myself do, it might be exactly what you're currently doing with your own athletes.  to each their own I guess.  The end result will be seen at the Maccabiah Games in a couple of days as athletes from around the world compete to win the honour of Maccabiah champion.  Stay tuned.


One thing that I would suggest to anyone with a budget and time would be to visit as many clubs as they can both here and abroad.  Not only do your athletes get some memorable experiences, but it's a chance to see different methods of coaching as well as some different techniques.


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