The 2018 Jeux de Montreal

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The 41st Jeux de Montreal took place on Saturday April 7th at the Centre Claude Robillard and featured some young upcoming wrestlers competing at a developmental style tournament.  The tournament featured younger age groups ranging from Tykes to Bantam with modified rules designed to encourage development and protect the younger competitors.  

(Image property of the City of Montreal)

Younger athletes take center stage

Rather than dividing the tournament by clubs, the Jeux de Montreal divides the competitors by region of the competitors home adresses which sometimes sees different clubs represented within the same region.  The competition is only open to residents of the island of Montreal and therefore saw less of the local Quebec clubs come to compete.  Neverthless, the competition featured some strong competition and good matches amongst the young age groups with highlight performances coming from CLIC and the Riverdale Wrestling Club representing the various regions of Montreal.

For the complete results from the Jeux de Montreal, click here.

There were a good number of girls at the competition

And some pretty competitive matches


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