24 Jan 2025


Become a FLOQ Official

The FLOQ encourages and welcomes new members!

Are you a retired wrestler interested in staying involved in the sport of wrestling but might not have the time for the full-time commitment of a coach or athlete? If so, try officiating. It’s a great way to stay involved with your favourite sport. There are opportunities to make new friends, travel, and mentor young athletes. Find out just how rewarding being an official can be! Join the ranks!!

If you are interested please contact FLOQ Officials representative Tony Ronci at tony.ronci@gmail.com

General Philosophy

  1. Ensure that the competitors act within the letter and intent of the laws governing the sport as interpreted by Wrestling Canada Lutte.
  2. Help encourage and instil an attitude of determination and drive for competitive excellence while promoting a spirit of good sportsmanship
  3. Conduct a bout smoothly, efficiently, and in a manner compatible with the concept of “Total Wrestling”.
  4. Award points based on the actions of the wrestlers
  5. Ensure the safety of the wrestlers


Step 1

Attend the Opening Training Seminar for Officials in early October. This is where we will review and teach the basics to newcomers as well as provide training for existing referees. After attending this seminar and completing a written and on the mat exam this will then make you eligible to officiate as a Provincial Aspirant. 

The date, time, and location of this clinic will be announced in early September and we encourage all clubs to send individuals who they feel would make suitable officials.


Step 2

There are several tournaments throughout the season in Quebec. Each of these tournaments will have a clinic before the tournament that is available to all Quebec officials regardless of ranking. The tournaments themselves may have a requirement for the ranking of the official. Every tournament is an opportunity for a Provincial Official to attempt to receive an upgrade.


Levels of Provincial Referees:

Provincial Aspirant

Provincial C

Provincial B

Provincial A

Once an Official has acquired their Provincial A they are then eligible to attend a National Clinic and get their recommendation to attend the National Championships. Funding will be available when possible and funding will be allocated and decided on by the QAWOA Executive committee.


Tournaments in Quebec throughout the Season:

Name Date      Training/ Ranking
Concordia Invitational Late October  Clinic the night before – Provincial A or higher
Quebec Open   Late November   Clinic the morning of – Open to all levels
GMAA Season    Nov to Feb    Provincial B or higher– all levels accompanied by Provincial A or higher
Riverdale Invitational   Early January Clinic the morning of – Open to all levels
GMAA Championships Mid February Clinic the morning of – Open to all levels 
Festival des Patriotes Late February Clinic the morning of – Open to all levels
Provincial Champ Late February Clinic the morning of – Provincial B or higher
Montreal Open Late March Clinic the morning of – Provincial B or higher
Montreal Games  April   April  
Crescent Street Fair June Clinic the day of – Provincial A or higher
Mega Beach Games  July Clinic the morning of – Open to all levels



Click here to visit SportQuébec website in order to obtain information on for multisport des officiels and to obtain information on for information on the calendar in module inscriptions offered by SportQuébec.  

For information on current rules and updates:

WCL Rulebook

UWW Rulebook