February was a great month for Québec wrestling. A few highlights from the past month include: the participation of Québec in numerous tournaments throughout the country, a world-class wrestling clinic held in St-Césaire, the provincial championships, as well as the U-Sport National Championships.
The Norm Bujold Rumble took place in Renfrew Ontario on February 8th. Quebec clubs were well represented as the Crazy Dogs, Kanienkehaka Tehontatie:nas Mohawk Wrestling Club, les Patriotes de St-Cesaire, the Riverdale Wrestling Club, Vanier College and the YMHA Wrestling Club all sent wrestlers to the tournament.

Additionally, Quebec wrestlers from The Patriotes de St-Césaire, Vanier College and YM-YWHA Wrestling Club wrestled at the Third Annual Gladiator’s Challenge, held in Brampton, Ontario on February 15th, 2020.
On February 21st 2020, the Patriotes de St-Césaire hosted a clinic with a talented group of former World Champions, Gia Sissaouri, current World Champions and Olympic hopeful Linda Morais, as well as Olympic hopeful, Jordie Steen. The clinic was specific for the development for youth level wrestlers. Various clubs from the Greater Montreal area and beyond were in attendance. The clinic was a real treat for the young athletes in attendance.
The Festival des Patriotes was held in St-Césaire, Quebec on February 22nd 2020. Athletes from across the province, as well as out of town came to compete in the younger age groups, ranging from the Bantam age group and lower. The tournament was well represented as a mixture of local and out-of-town clubs came to compete.

On February 21st & 22nd 2020, Concordia University greatly represented Québec wrestling at the U Sport National Championships held in St-Catherines, Ontario at Brock University. Concordia University won 7 National medals (3 gold, 4 Bronze). In addition to these winnings, Guseyn Ruslanzda, was named Outstanding Male Wrestler for the tournament, making it three straight years that a Concordia athlete has won the award. Guseyn joins Francis Carter and Alex Moore who won in the previous years. On the women’s side, Jayd Davis was named as the Outstanding Rookie of the year. Congratulations to the Concordia Stingers! Go Stingers Go!

The 2020 Quebec Provincial Championships were held on February 23rd , 2020 in St-Cesaire, Quebec. The tournament was well attended as several weight categories featured matches between National Champions and medalists from the previous year. Congratulations to all Quebec wrestlers that have participated in the 2020 Provincial Championships.

Étoile Montant ESIM en Lutte: Laurence Beauregard (Concordia)
U Sport Outstanding Male Wrestler: Guseyn Ruslanzda (Concordia)
U Sport Women Rookie of the year: Jayd Davis (Concordia)

Senior Pan-American Championships (March 6-9)
Pan-American Olympic Qualification Tournament (March 13-15)
Junior/ Senior National Championships (March 27-29)
U17/U19 Canadian Championships (April3-5)
Jeux de Montreal (April 4)
Meeting for the Development of Quebec Wrestling (April 14 OR 16)
Contact for more information.
Norm Bujold Rumble (Renfew, Ontario)
February 8th, 2020
Weight Name Placement Club
Novice Boys 29.5 kg Loïc Rainville 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Novice Boys 32 kg Antoine Tremblay 1st Crazy Dogs
Tyke Boys 23 kg Kenzo Shier 2nd Crazy Dogs
Kids Boys 32 kg Paul Decu 4th Crazy Dogs
Kids Boys 34 kg Charlie Gallerio 4th Crazy Dogs
Kids Girls 32 kg Éloïse Massé 3rd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Kids Girls 39 kg Éléonore Lacasse 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Boys 40 kg Jeremy Préfontaine 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Boys 40 kg Émile Brodeur 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Boys 40 kg Lestate Germain 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Boys 55 kg Alexandre Tétreault 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Boys 55 kg David Morrissette 3rd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Boys 68 kg Justin Leclerc 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Girls 50 kg Léanne Tétreault 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Girls 55 kg Rose Forgues 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantam Girls 66 kg Rose Lacoste 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Cadet Boys 77 kg Owen Diabo 3rd KTMWC
Open Boys 51 kg Jacob Jutras 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Boys 55 kg Jamie Levitt 2nd YMHA Wrestling Club
Open Boys 57 kg Justin Fortier 3rd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Boys 72 kg Yann Heymug 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Boys 89 kg Émile Forgues 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Boys 89 kg Mathis Rainville 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Girls 51 kg Jordyn Goodleaf 1sr KTMWC
Open Girls 64 kg Sarah Black 2nd Vanier College
Open Girls 64 kg Camille Dubuc 3rd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Girls 64 kg Sabrina Montour 4th KTMWC
Open Girls 115 kg Madison Montour 2nd KTMWC
Gladiator Challenge (Brampton, Ontario)
February 15th 2020
Weight Name Placement Club
Bantams Girls 44 kg Èva Vaillancourt 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantams Girls51 kg Léanne Tétreault 3rd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantams Boys 36 kg Jérémie Préfontaine 3rd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantams Boys 50 kg Lestate Germain 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Bantams Boys 70 kg Justin Leclerc 4th Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Cadet Boys 61kg Nazir Haidarim 3rd YMHA Wrestling Club
Cadet Boys 54 kg Jacob Jutras 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Girls 67.5 kg Camille Dubuc 2nd Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Open Boys 64kg Jason Luneau 1st YMHA Wrestling Club
Open Boys 72kg Stone Lewis 1st Vanier College
Open Boys 72kg Junior Iordache 3rd YMHA Wrestling Club
Open Boys 89kg Mathis Rainville 1st Patriotes de St-Cesaire
U Sport National Championships (St-Catherines, Ontario)
February 21st – 22nd 2020
Placement Name Weight Club
1st Jayd Davis Women 55kg Concordia
1st Guseyn Ruslanzada Men 76kg Concordia
1st Aly Barghout Men 120kg Concordia
3rd ce Beauregard Women 59kg Concordia
3rd Amanda Savard Women 67kg Concordia
3rd Aaron Orzack Men 79kg Concordia
3rd Sam Barmish Men 82kg Concordia
4th Kaleigh Prieur Women 48kg Concordia
4th Jeremy Poirier Men 100kg Concordia
5th Kaya Dubé Snow Women 55kg Concordia
5th Samuel Garland Men 65kg Concordia
5th Julien Choquette Men 90kg Concordia
U Sport Team Placement
Concordia Men’s Team: 3rd
Concordia Women’s Team: 6th
Festival Des Patriotes (St-Césaire, Québec)
February 222nd 2020
Men Bantam
Women Bantam
Men Kids
Women Kids
Men Novice
Women Novice
Men Tyke
Provincial Championship (St-Césaire, Québec)
February 23rd 2020
Team Results
Men Cadet
- Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Loyola
- Massey Vanier
- Beurling/ NCWC
- Thai Long
Men Juvenile
- Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Tritton Top Team WC
- Vanier
- Massey Vanier
Men Junior
- Tritton Top Team
- Vanier
- Montreal WC
- Massey Vanier
- Thai Long
Men Senior
- Montreal WC
- Thai Long
- Independent
- Riverdale WC
Individual Results
Men Cadet
- Bryce Rooney Loyola
- Abdullah Merhaydar YMHA
51 kg
- Jacob Jutras Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Joshua Lynch Beaurling Wrestling
- Jamie Levitt YMHA
- Cory Lapierre Massey Vanier
- Justin Fortier Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Isaac Lacasse Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Wyatt Patch Massey Vanier
- Connor Rooney Loyola
- Julius Zaccardelli Thai Long
- Junior Sonin Iordache YMHA
- Nathan Germain Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Owen Diabo KTMWC
- Émile Forgues Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Sébastien Sarazin National Capital Wrestling Club
- Michael Cocca Loyola
Men Juvenile
- Michael Cocca Loyola
- Stone Lewis Vanier
- Yann Heymug Patriotes de St-Césaire
- David Ballard Loyola High School
- Brock McComber Tritton Top Team WC
- Tristan Boutard Tritton Top Team WC
- Mathis Rainville Patriotes De St-Césaire
- Xavier Lauzon Tritton Top Team WC
110 kg
- Nick Cross Tritton Top Team WC
Men Junior
- Jason Luneau Montreal WC
- Brayden Todd Vanier
- Ayam Atash Thai Long
- Brock McComber Tritton Top Team WC
- Nick Bates Massey Vanier
- Tristan Boutard Tritton Top Team WC
- Xavier Lauzon Tritton Top Team WC
- Nicholas Cross Tritton Top Team WC
Men Senior
- Trevor Banks Montreal WC
- Tamim Ferdausi YMHA
- David Nguyen Thai Long
- Gabriel Choueke Montreal WC
- Caleb Rutner Montreal WC
- William Evans YMHA
- Dima Gershanov Montreal WC
- Micheal Mokry Thai Long
- Jeremie Raymond Thai Long
- Nicolas Tincau Independant
- Micheal Dahabieh Thai Long
- Dulgheru Dumitru Riverdale WC
- Naïka Desrochers Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Jordyn Goodleaf KTMWC
- Virginie Gascon Concordia
- Erin Rainville Vanier
- Jolie Brisco Montreal WC
- Nèva Piché Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Sarah Black Vanier
- Camille Dubuc Patriotes de St-Césaire
- Alexia Sherland Vanier
- Stephanie Reid Tritton Top Team WC
- Stella McComber KTMWC
- Genevieve Lamarche YMHA
- Virginie Clément National Capital Wrestling Club
- Madison Montour KTMWC
Important Message
In order to make the Newsletter as beneficial as possible for all of FLOQ members please feel free to send Noel Tremblay ( any of the information listed below in order for Noel Tremblay to include them in the Newsletter:
– Any results from athletes from your club (Tournaments, GMAA Duals, Sport Awards…)
– Any flyers for tournaments, camps, clinics…
– If you have anything else that you might want to share with the FLOQ Coaches.
For all other FLOQ news please follow FLOQ Social Media pages.