1. CONSENT FORM + HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE to be completed by all participants
a) Indicating that they have no symptoms
b) They haven’t been in touch with someone positive in the past 14 days
2. Maintain an attendance list for each training session
3. Forecast traffic
a) Arrival and departure plan for athletes, plan cleaning between groups
b) Possibility of marking on the ground, if necessary
c) Delimited training area
4. Respect for 2 meters
a) Adapt your equipment accordingly
5. Hygienic Respect
a) Individual water bottle
b) Cleaning plan
c) Highly recommended mask
d) Trash can without cover
e) Cough in elbow
f) Regularly wash hands
6. Athletes must arrive in sports wear
a) Athletes can also bring a towel to put on the bench
7. Create small training groups
8. Plan in case of positive cases