09 Feb 2025

Category: Jason’s Blog

Jason's Blog

The current state of the GMAA/RSEQ

Thursday November 25th, 2022 The current edition of the GMAAA/RSEQ season has begun. For most schools, it’s a return to something familiar as many of the schools have been at it for a while. For others, it’s brand new and that’s the focus of this...
Jason's Blog

Building a program from the ground up

Tuesday November 15th 2022 With the high school season just about to begin, I had a chance to reflect a little about what has happened in the past couple of years concerning wrestling as well as my involvement at the high school level. It seems...
Articles, Jason's Blog

Pushing athletes; a new perspective

Monday August 8th 2022 Years ago, before the 2017 Canada Games, I published an article on pushing athletes. While not a long article, in it I mused on few factors of what pushing athletes was all about to me and what were acceptable levels. After...
Articles, Jason's Blog

My reflections from the Nationals

Friday June 17th 2022 As I disembarked the plane on Sunday evening, landing in Montreal after a delay in our departure from our layover stop in Winnipeg (and another one in Montreal thanks to the fact that another plane was parked in our spot), I...
Articles, Jason's Blog

My return to coaching

June 6th 2022 It’s been a while now since we’ve been allowed to return to coaching. For the longest time, our sport had been shut down as we waited to hear the news about when we would be allowed to come back. Size restrictions, building...
Articles, Jason's Blog

My final journey through the ACD

May 16th, 2022 It’s been a while since the blog was published. In truth, it’s hard to write something about wrestling when like many people, I was isolated from the community. One coach that I spoke to during the lockdown joked that it was the...
Jason's Blog

Bias in athlete selection and coaching

Tuesday March 31st, 2020 As this quarantine persists onwards, we in the wrestling community have had a lot to think about. Lack of training as well as competitions has forced us to consider alternatives to training in order for us to keep our athletes engaged....
Jason's Blog

The effects of the Corona virus on sports

Monday March 16th, 2020 It’s Monday, the first of our fourteen-day quarantine since Quebec Premier François Legault announced that schools will be closed for a two-week period to help control the spread of the CODVID-19 virus that has escalated to pandemic levels. Before the shutdown, most...