The final week of January saw Quebec wresters competing at tournaments both at home and abroad. The Ed Meagher saw Quebec high schools come together at Loyola High School while the Roar on the River and the Eastern Canadian Championships saw our younger athletes head to Fredricton New Brunswick. Finally, our Varsity and Senior athletes head out to Ontario to compete in the Western Open. The results for the weekend were as follows:

Athletes pose for a picture at the Ed Meagher Tournament

The Ed Meagher Tournament

Loyola High School would host the tournament on Saturday January 25th in Montreal Quebec. Beurling Academy, Howard S. Billings, Heritage Regional High School, Lower Canada College and Selwyn House School attended the annual tournament. The Ed Meagher Sports tournament sees many schools come to compete in a variety of sports.

92 lbs 105 lbs 113 lbs 125 lbs 130 lbs A 130 lbs B
135 lbs 142 lbs 150 lbs 160 lbs A 160 lbs B 174 lbs
190 lbs A 190 lbs B 207 lbs A 207 lbs B HWT A HWT B
100 lbs 116 lbs 129 lbs 142 lbs 172 lbs 207 lbs

For the first time in a long while, the Ed Meagher tournament would have two wrestling mats

The Eastern Canadian Championships and the Roar on the River

The Roar on the River and the Eastern Canadian Championships were held on Saturday and Sunday January 26th and 27th at the University of New Brunswick in Fredricton, New Brunswick. Massey Vanier High School and the Patriotes de St-Cesaires were the Quebec teams in attendance. The results were as follows:

Massey Vanier High School
Name Category Final Placement
William Beaupré U17 Boys 48 kg Silver Medal
Landen Walker U17 Boys 60 kg 5th
Zavier Hollenbeck U17 Boys 60 kg 6th
Artem Zahorovskyi U17 Boys 60 kg DNP
Logan Burnham U17 Boys 60 kg DNP
Miguel Zecius U17 Boys 65 kg Gold Medal
William Mansell U17 Boys 65 kg INJ
Mariah Senkerik Women 62 kg Silver Medal
Elina Garon Women 90 kg Silver Medal
Patriotes de St-Cesaire
Name Category Final Placement
Jorge Huberto Cahuich Escalante U15 Boys 52 kg Silver Medal
Gaël Maillot Savard U17 Boys 55 kg 4th
Andrew Blais U20 Boys 79 kg Gold Medal
Laurie Bourgault U17 Girls 49 kg 5th
Juliette Forgues U15 Girls 58 kg Gold Medal

The Patriotes de St-Cesaire had a successful outing in New Brunswick

The Western Open

The Western Open was also contested on Sunday January 26th at the University of Western Ontario, in London Ontario. The tournament is another stop on the Varsity circuit and features both University and Club teams coming to compete. CLIC, Concordia University, the Montreal Wrestling Club NTC and the Tritton Performance Wrestling Club sent athletes to the event.

Name Category Final Placement
Youcef Amellal FS 72 kg DNP
Nazime Bouneder FS 82 kg 5th
Concordia University
Name Category Final Placement
Liam Menard
FS 68 kg Bronze Medal
Sophia Bechard
WW 59 kg Silver Medal
Alexia Sherland WW 83 kg Silver Medal
Montreal Wrestling Club NTC
Name Category Final Placement
Cam Dallman FS 65 kg INJ
Ryder Church FS 68 kg Silver Medal
Mohamed Hozayen FS 72 kg Silver Medal
Connor Church FS 76 kg Gold Medal
Laurence Beauregard WW 59 kg Gold Medal
Beatrice Galaise WW 72 kg Silver Medal
Amanda Savard WW 72 kg 5th
Tritton Performance Wrestling Club
Name Category Final Placement
Moise Abdul Hamid FS 72 kg DNP
Xavier Lauzon FS 90 kg Gold Medal
Shanna Tam WW 65 kg Bronze Medal

Congratulations to all our Quebec athletes who competed in this packed weekend of wrestling!